rock&dolls addict


carnival tonight

sorry for this: i needed to secure my blog because i can't stand any longer anonymous offensive comments, and find my short stories published elsewhere on the net without being at least mentioned (and without any permission, of course). so i secured my blog. and i did it so well that only me was allowed to read it… my apologies for this inconvenience.

now, let's go back to our heroes.

— so, mr ghost said to the new one, did you found something?
— nothing, unfortunately, she answered, i shall continue tomorrow. What a crowd tonight!
— alors, dit mr fantôme à la nouvelle arrivante, tu as trouvé quelque chose?
— hélas, toujours rien, répondit-elle, je continuerai demain. quel monde ici ce soir!
yoko is intrigued. what is this girl searching for that? the best way to know, she thought, is to become her friend. "i'm yoko, she said with a smile, what's your name"?
— Michelle mabel.
— Michelle mabel, said John, these are words that go together well... 
yoko est bien intriguée. mais que cherche donc cette fille? le meilleur moyen de le savoir, se dit-elle, c'est de devenir sa copine. "je suis yoko, dit-elle avec un sourire, comment t'appelles-tu"?
— michelle mabel.
— michelle mabel, dit john, sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble, très bien ensemble…
poor John! he didn't have time to say more than yoko and lisette took him out of the group.
we hear laughter, whispering, reversed trunks. it's the turn of michelle mabel to be intrigued. she would like to know what's going up there, but she can't leave without finishing the cup of tea mom put in her hands.
mais le pauvre john n'a pas le temps d'en dire plus long que yoko et lisette l'entraînent hors du groupe. on entend des rires, des chuchotements, des malles renversées. c'est au tour de michelle mabel d'être intriguée. elle aimerait bien savoir ce qui se trame là-haut, mais elle n'ose pas partir sans finir la tasse de thé que maman lui a mis d'office dans les mains.
— "mardi gras, mardi gras," the children cry.
— "mardi gras, mardi gras", crient les enfants.
— what an incredible impudence, muttering mr ghost… 
— quel incroyable toupet, marmonne mr fantôme en voyant lisette.