rock&dolls addict



many freaked control people talk about the supposed terrible two, but i remember very well what it looked like when i was a toddler…

look at this young person. how serious! and in less than three minutes, her parents will yell "noooo Luce! not on the carpet!" 
but who bought those permanent pens? who let them on the coffee table? who pretends she is too young to have her own table?

poor Luce… she'll never be an artist… or who knows? maybe she draw lots or priceless things on carpets, later…
but maybe her future is in climbing? she saw mom standing on a stool yesterday and it looked very funny. ouch, this is high…

YAY!!! look at me mom! i'm on the top of the world!
— LUUUUUCE! silly goose, come down! you'll fall and hurt!

Luce is a nice girl, she goes down… but parents are too stupid to understand the only way not to fall down is to be already lying on the ground… of course one asks:
— Luce please, what are you doing on the floor?

finally, it's time to go out!
coat? checked! shoes? checked! hood? on the head! 

so what's wrong? ha, hands in pocket! 

"don't put your hands in pockets, you'll damage your coat" "gimme your hand, it's dangerous"

— no i won't no i won't no i won't! 
and sweet Luce keeps her hands in her pockets. and removes her hood. and walks alone. just because!

Luce is made from a new pattern. her limbs are plump and she is more chubby than my traditional dolls. she is a toddler…


  1. Je l'aime beaucoup, elle est trop mignonne avec ses joues plus rebondies. Adorable avec sacapuche.

  2. I love her in many ways!

    Bernadette (poppenvrienden)
