rock&dolls addict


The wild child

Once upon a times lived a very normal family.
Papa bear cooked, Mama bear played dolls. Daughter bear was looking at her shadow and Baby bear took naps.

It was a perfect and quiet life, everybody was happy and loving… 

On a glorious monday morning, famous Professor Petersen took a walk around and guess what he saw: Daughter bear taking a walk too!

— oh my god oh my god, Professor Petersen said, this bear looks so human! i must study this in emergency!
and he captured Daughter bear!

I suppose you remember Pr Petersen lived with his sister Miss Petersen who was also his assistant, his cook, the seamstress, the housekeeper, the gardener, the knitter.

— Geez, miss Petersen said, what a lovely little girl! what's her name?

— Don't be stupid, she's an ursula humana but you can call her Ursule, her brother answered! From latin Ursus, from old norse Yrsa! it's a wild child!

And Pr Petersen put poor Ursule under the microscope. He took notes, doodled sketches and talked to himself during hours… 

The real priority is a dress, miss Petersen said! stop moving when I measure you!

Alas alas, a Prince Charming was visiting the City, and miss Peterson fell in deep love with him. and alas, he also fell in love with her…

— NO NO NO, Prince Charming said, you can't bring home a wild child carrying a salmon under her arm!

Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaĆ®t point*, and miss Petersen left the town with her Prince, letting poor Ursule alone in the big city…

I know, this is a very sad story. But i'm sure Ursule will find a loving family and there will have a happy end…
She'll be available on wednesday (april 22rd) auction style in my shop. More in a while…

*the heart wants what it wants

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful girl, lovely coat and bonnet, and delicious salmon. I hope you find the most lovely home Ursule!
