rock&dolls addict


pepita: contest

CONTEST: would you like to win PEPITA for 1€?

as i was knitting this morning, i saw suddenly a young person sitting in my basket! she was smiling and kidnapped my heart immediately.
— hello, i love you can you tell me your name, i said.
— hiiii, it's me, pepita! i wanna be a heroine!
— a heroine? what kind of heroine?
— the heroine of a story, of course! please can you write my story? it's a long trip from lima and i hoped you could write my story…

unfortunately, i won't have a
nytime for a story! but i have a solution: you, readers, will write pepita's story! and we'll organize a little contest to know who'll win pepita!

here are the rules:

1- share this post and if you want, like my fb page;

2- this contest is for everybody from 6 to 106 years old;

3 - what must you do?
you must write pepita's story and send it here and only here:
don't forget to let me know your name, your age if you are 13 or less, and you pseudo if you have one
- why?????
this way, i'll publish each story in a fb document but nobody will know who wrote what and won't be influenced for choosing her favorite!

- when?
you have until february 26th for sending me the story on pepita's mailbox.

then, i'll edit a document and you'll have two weeks for voting for your favorite story by clicking "like": you'll choose the winner!!!!! of course, you'll be allowed to let comments, but only "likes" will count.

HAVE FUN!!! pepita can't wait to read you!


  1. How sweet. I will put my thinking cap on, cheers Marie

  2. I think my daughter may want to try her hand at this one. I will talk to her when she gets home. Pepita is very sweet!

  3. Passei para uma visitinha.
    Amei o seu trabalho.
    Pepita é encantadora, espero que ela ganhe uma história bem bonita.

    Feliz Carnaval!!! ♡ º

    ♡ º
