rock&dolls addict


pepita: congrats...

organizing a contest for pepita was the worse idea i ever had:
i just didn't have a clue some people could be so cheaters! 

only because i don't have any tar and feather nor the cheaters under the hand, i've decided to change the rules. i hate doing this and i know it's awfull for all of you who gave the best of them for pepita, particularly the children.

i'm writing from a wifi cafe in brussels and i asked a toddler with pig tails for picking up a paper in my hat:


please, lucky number 24 (i'll check asap to know who you are), pm me if you recognize you. i don't know when will be my next cup of tea in a wifi cafe, so don't be upset if i don't contact you very fast :)

1 comment:

  1. Bon je crois que je ce genre de choses est toujours plus ou moins inévitable même si c'est frustrant et désolant. Ton concours était quand même une super idée. Pour te redonner le sourire et te faire rêver voici un blog qui devrait te faire.
