— oh my goodness, Olwenn, do you see what i see?
— hahaha look at that fierce big chief Cailean Mór Campbell! eeeps Oonagh, i have an idea… gimme a pen…
obviously, baby Cailean finally wakes up and join his sisters for cookies o'clock.
— WHAT'S THE HELL, yell the sisters, what's this ridiculous mustache? Come here!
a mustache? Cailean can't believe it! gimme a mirror, i must look at it, he says. wow, it grew during nap, that's amazing. i'm so proud of me!
ha! look at this happy chief frolicking in the meadow…
— Campbell meeting immediately, Fionnaghal shouts.
— let me talk, Oighris says, you have a lisp 'cause your lost baby tooth!
"we know obviously who are the muggers. Gingham gang again! we must stop them RIGHT NOW! they dishonored our name, we'll erase theirs! War is declared and the battle come down!"
— OIE OIE YEAH YEAH POGOOOO!!! (yes, this is probably an ancient celtic language.)
during this time at Gingham's mansion, four laughing gnomes were celebrating the good tricks with a deserved glass of apple juice… but a horde of furious Campbells invaded the place, spotted the youngest, packed her and left on their white horse!

consternation! they kidnapped our Lizenn!
— sisters, we are living a dramatic moment! our baby Lizenn has been rapt by a wild horde and who knows what will happen! don't give up sist…
— oh geez, Ogar shut up! we'll just smash their face and take Lizenn back. ready guys?

Outside, the battle is at its height we have blood on the grass, limbs here and there, etc. the phone rings.
[voice off]— yes, ms Gingham, it's ms Campbell. i'm soooo sorry to phone you now, but i'm still stuck at the hairdresser's and…
— oh dearest, stop worrying, relax and take your time. they are playing quietly in the garden…
— …
— a-do-ra-ble! oh you know what? i have an idea. we have a BBQ with the Wales tonight, it's be so great to have you too…
— …
— seven o'clock, perfect. [phonic waves]
— oh dearest, stop worrying, relax and take your time. they are playing quietly in the garden…
— …
— a-do-ra-ble! oh you know what? i have an idea. we have a BBQ with the Wales tonight, it's be so great to have you too…
— …
— seven o'clock, perfect. [phonic waves]
— i have Lizenn, she's safe guys!
— WTF, have you seen her smile? she crooks like a Campbell. Stockholm syndrome! REVENGE! REVENGE!
— hoho, look at this: Ar-thur-Wa-les! hoho, delicious pinkalicious! wanna fight with us?
— how did you call me mini-punkie?
Some of our heroes are available for adoption comment style here right now.
i'll pick names on sunday afternoon (April 24th, 8:00 pm Paris zone http://24timezones.com/horloge_mondiale.php)
you can try for several dolls if you want, but you must be ready to buy them all if your name is picked several times (it never happened but who knows…).
no "angel", comment only if you are interested for yourself.
payment is due immediately. because french rules, i can't accept payment plans…
don't hesitate to ask questions if necessary, but don't forget we don't have the same time zone…
Lizenn is a 15"+/16"- waldorf inspired little girl. her hair is alpaca. she wears cotton outfit: a corduroy dress and an embroidered gingham over dress
she is 1000€ + shipping fees
Cailean Mór: is a 15" waldorf inspired boy wearing a boyish kilt and handknit outfit. his hair is weft goat… he is so proud to be the first Earl Campbell of the clan. his knows his responsibilities and he's prepared for this charge…
he is 1100€ + shipping fees
Oonagh is a 16"+ waldorf inspired big sister. her hair is weft goat and she has a sculpted face. she wears a corduroy dress, an embroidered gingham overdress and leather shoes
she is 1300€ + shipping fees
Oighris is a 16"+ waldorf inspired red hair rascal. she's the Campbell older sister, and as you can see, she's wise and prudent. her hair is weft goat. she wears a cotton tunic, argyll tartan knickers, handknit socks and leather shoes she is 950€ + shipping fees
Toujours aussi adorable tes poupées malgrès leur mauvais comportement.